

Companies are investing in strategic skills training and workforce initiatives to find, 吸引, 为未来的工作培训年轻人, 从高中就开始了.


To meet the needs of a rapidly changing economy, many companies are rethinking the way they hire. 在澳博官方网站app, the shift in recruiting has changed the discussion about the future of work by focusing on skills, 不仅仅是学位. In 2022, 75 percent of job descriptions at 澳博官方网站app for experienced hires did not require a college degree. 该公司还通过外包扩大了人才渠道, 吸引, 为未来的工作培训年轻人, offering recruiting and apprenticeship programs that start as early as high school.

This shift for employers and employees has the potential to significantly close the current gap between available jobs and qualified workers. Investing in training and upskilling talent beyond those who meet certain academic credentials provides career development opportunities to more people, 帮助加强美国经济.S. 劳动力和经济.

根据最近的数据,近9.600万个工作岗位仍然空缺,而近600万个工作岗位空缺.美国仍有400万人在找工作. 造成目前这种差异的原因有很多, but one of the biggest is a mismatch between job requirements and applicants' skills. That's why a growing number of experts increasingly believe a skills-first hiring approach is the best solution to employment challenges.

Studies also show that about 62 percent of working-age Americans don't have a college degree. Making a degree a requirement for a job prevents this large group of people from applying, 限制他们的经济机会.

“One of the biggest barriers facing young job seekers today is the lack of skills and workplace experience,凯拉·麦克纳利说, 澳博官方网站app早期职业主管. “There is no one way to build the skills and experience for the jobs of tomorrow, but early exposure to the workplace and hands-on industry experiences increase career and college readiness and puts students on a path to success."

这是Hawa Fisiru

Hawa Fisiru, 一个17岁的纽约市高中生, is one of the many young people participating in a career readiness program at 澳博官方网站app. She takes classes at her public high school in the morning and then heads to her apprenticeship on the foreign exchange (FX) prime brokerage desk in the afternoon. Fisiru说,在此之前的工作经历, 她知道自己对金融感兴趣, 但她不知道FX团队是做什么的. 现在情况已经不同了.

Fisiru说:“当我来工作时,我被当作成年人对待. “我有支持我的导师, 我学到了很多东西,包括技术技能, 使用电子表格, 沟通技巧, 向我的团队寻求反馈. 在办公室里走来走去,我觉得自己属于这里."

Fisiru's apprenticeship is part of a three-year applied-learning program run by CareerWise 纽约. It offers high-school students paid part-time work experience along with the opportunity to receive debt-free college credit, 相关技能, 以及国家认可的技术行业认证, 金融服务, 以及商业运作.

“我们知道人们以不同的方式学习,这是一条途径, 就像大学, 可能会受到限制,玛丽·阿道夫说, 他是纽约CareerWise的首席项目官. “我们需要打开空间,让所有学生都能发挥他们的潜力. 我们的学徒在16岁时进入他们的角色, 当他们三年后离开的时候, they're transformed in who they are as individuals and in the kind of work they can produce for employers."

自2019年推出CareerWise项目以来, more than 130 CWNY apprentices have started their professional journey at 澳博官方网站app, 在曼哈顿各地的办公室工作, 布鲁克林, 和泽西城. The apprentices work as junior coders and junior project coordinators and in other operations roles.

“This apprenticeship has really broadened my idea of what a job can be," Fisiru says. “我知道我想在金融服务领域做点什么. 我想回馈我的社区. 我知道我有成功所需的技能."

对此彼得森, 澳博官方网站appCareerWise纽约项目协调员, 从一开始就看到这个项目的价值了吗. “我们的学徒离开时对自己有了更好的了解, 他们想要追求的职业类型, 以及在其中取得成功的技能,她说.

让更多的学生为未来的工作做好准备是一项合作的努力, and 澳博官方网站app has long recognized the power in bringing together partners from the public and private sectors to drive impact at scale. The company also weighs in on policy solutions that help these sectors work together to connect education to training opportunities and help widen the availability for modern apprenticeship programs.


澳博官方网站app has been investing in emerging talent programs like CareerWise 纽约 for more than 15 years as part of its talent-acquisition strategy, 这是一个影响不断扩大的领域. 它与Year Up合作的时间最长, 一年, tuition-free workforce development program for young adults that launched in 2007 at 澳博官方网站app.

“我们已经服务了40多个,000名年轻人, 有高中文凭或普通教育文凭, 来自不同背景的学生. 澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)在2022年迎来了约300名实习生,拉蒙·维拉德说, Year Up全国企业合作关系高级主管. “我们在这家公司的转换率约为65%. Many of the people we've served are now leaders and employees at other companies as well, 证明了其他途径也能带来成功的职业生涯."

一年以上参与者, 乔安娜·托雷斯, 现任澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)副总裁兼商业分析师, 同时也是该公司Year Up校友项目的联合创始人. 她将此归功于培训项目, 她高中毕业后就这么做了吗, 改变了她的职业生涯.

“In every single role I've had here, through every promotion, I've learned on the job," Torres says. “每走一步,公司里都会有人说,‘你知道吗? 你的驱动. 你感兴趣. 你好奇. 如果你想试试,我们会教你的.'"


Early career training programs led by organizations like CareerWise 纽约 and Year Up can change lives. 他们帮助年轻人进入公司环境, 见导师, 获得技能, 了解不同的职业道路. These programs also have the potential to help more companies widen and diversify their talent pipeline.

“这是一个双赢的局面,丹尼尔·克拉克说。, 澳博官方网站app执行董事兼全球新兴人才主管, who has risen to leadership roles after starting his career in an entry-level job 23 years ago. “我们对新兴人才计划的承诺是一项战略性商业决策. 这是我们为自己的公司培养高技能员工的方法之一, 但它的意义不止于此.

“When people have access to better-paying jobs, they're able to save, invest, and buy homes. The ripple effect of our emerging talent programs really transcends an individual, 有利于我们的经济和社会."

了解更多 about how 澳博官方网站app is boosting career readiness for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

EoE Disclaimer: All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment from 澳博官方网站app without regard to race, color, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 残疾, 或者作为受保护的退伍军人.

A version of this story originally appeared in Atlantic Re:think, a creative marketing studio.

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