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Reaching $750 Million and Moving Ahead: Building Economic Equity Through Business 多样性

比计划提前了两年, 澳博官方网站app surpasses its five-year goal of spending an additional $750 million with Black-, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔拥有的企业.


As part of 澳博官方网站app’s $30 billion 种族权益 Commitment, 它于2020年启动,旨在帮助缩小种族贫富差距, the company pledged to spend an additional $750 million with Black-, 到2025年,拉美裔和拉美裔拥有的企业.

澳博官方网站app has been committed to maintaining an inclusive supplier base and a global supplier diversity program for three decades. The company has an annual procurement budget of over $23 billion and spends more than $2 billion with historically underrepresented businesses, including companies owned and operated by ethnic minorities, 女性, 退伍军人, 伤残退伍军人, service-disabled退伍军人, people with disabilities and members of the LGBT+ community.

推进  supplier equity in corporate supply chains is not a philanthropic exercise. 它可以带来真正的经济效益. 根据 麦肯锡, if the racial wealth gap between Black- and white-owned businesses were to close, the U.S. 到2028年,GDP可能会增长6%, equating to an injection of more than $1 trillion into the economy. 仅在2022年,澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)就花费了2亿美元.10亿美元与一级供应商合作, which provide essential products and services directly to a company.  这产生了9,700个工作岗位, $856 million in employee income and $430 million in federal, 州税和地方税.

澳博官方网站app reached its five-year goal of spending an additional $750 million with Black-, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔拥有的企业, 比计划提前了两年. 按照目前的速度, the company is on a trajectory to potentially double its original spending goal by 2025.


澳博官方网站app全球供应商多元化团队, in collaboration with its sourcing and procurement organization, has deployed a holistic strategy to amplify the impact of supplier diversity. 该战略包括与企业合作伙伴合作, 投资于供应商的发展和能力, and identifying new ways  for company decision-makers to learn about capabilities and explore  opportunities to spend with underrepresented businesses.

 “If we want to have a major impact on the communities we serve, we cannot just continue business as usual; we need to confront barriers to entry,吉姆·康奈尔说, 澳博官方网站app首席采购官. “Our focus is sustainable, structural and industry-wide impact.”

通过利用其供应商生态系统, 企业合作伙伴和社区组织, 澳博官方网站app is lowering the barriers that diverse businesses often face. It provides access to information and resources  to help these companies learn about and meet minimum corporate requirements, as well as access to professional cyber-readiness assessments to ensure they have a secure infrastructure to serve financial industry clients if selected for engagement.

另外, by sharing its commitment and best practices in supplier diversity, 澳博官方网站app has helped over 100 of its top suppliers spend more with diverse businesses. 自2021年以来, these suppliers have generated an additional $10 billion in new spending with diverse suppliers.


  1. Supplier diversity is a powerful way for 澳博官方网站app to directly impact underserved communities but it requires support and commitment from across the company to really move the needle. Organizing a dedicated cross-functional team around supplier diversity ensures that all interested parties are paying attention and thinking creatively to maximize opportunities.
  2. 问责制是关键. While everyone across an organization might agree that having an inclusive supply chain is vital, 如果结果没有被衡量, the effort can become unfocused which can lead to less impactful outcomes.
  3. Many of 澳博官方网站app’s biggest suppliers are influential leaders in their respective industries. 通过利用他们的集体力量, the company can achieve supplier diversity growth on a scale that is not achievable individually.
  4. Supplier development is an important component of 澳博官方网站app’s strategy. We recognize that businesses are not all the same; a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. Getting direct feedback from suppliers to learn who they are and what they need leads to better outcomes. Working closely with suppliers through business development and capacity-building programs can help them to be competitive, 赢得合同,发展他们的公司. Being close to the supplier also enables 澳博官方网站app全球供应商多元化团队 to identify road blocks and help clear them away.


泰德·阿彻, 澳博官方网站app业务合作伙伴多元化主管, said: “Surpassing this  $750 million spending goal underscores the power and potential of comprehensive supplier diversity efforts. 通过与供应商建立更深层次的关系, we not only provide opportunities for them to boost their revenues but also empower businesses to make a meaningful impact on their communities and contribute to wealth creation.

“前进, we aim to ensure the sustainability of these efforts beyond the five-year 种族权益 Commitment. We plan to industrialize the operating models we’ve developed to foster greater equity and opportunity within our global supply chain.”

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